Strategist / Futurist
Service / UX Designer
& User Researcher

Retail, FMCG & Fashion - TV & Media - Banks & Fintechs - Startups - Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Software - Government

  • Anthony Harrison working with Manulife Executives through the service design stage Concepts, pitchwork & strategic ideas backed by data
  • Anthoy Harrison advising walking Board Members from Carlsberg Group in Copenhagen through various stages of work undertaken Trusted advisor to C-Level, Board & Founders
  • Anthoy Harrison surrounded by the Accenture/Karmarama acquired digital team he built Grow, coach & mentor award-winning digital departments
  • Anthony Harrison discussing content, IA and process flow with the wider team Collaborate with founders, c-level, product, UX/UI, data scientists, researchers, devs, techs, content & copywriters, BA's, etc,..

  • Anthony Harrison discussing content, IA and process flow with the wider team
  • 25+

    Years Profesional
    Design Expertise
  • 18+

    Years Design
  • 13+

    Years Digital
    & Managament

Selected Clients / Case Studies


Personal & Entrepreneurial


Strategy that applies
End-User Centered Design

Since 1998 Anthony has been professionally working as a designer, championing user-centered design, information architecture, usability & HCI - known today as UX, User Research, Service Design, Business Design, Design Thinking, Strategy, Human-centerd Design etc. Being an early adopter of such activities, Anthony has been applying his foundational 5 years of formal design eductaion - graphics, typography, digital/tech and creative problem solving - to his professional work ever since. Envisaging both near/far-off future states, concepts & ideas, whilst being grounded enough to realise, in the shape of award-winning solutions.

Why 'End-user' centered, and not 'Human' or 'User'?

Because centering experiences around 'humans' is too limited (what if our intended audience is for pets? - yes, I've been there). Meanwhile the 'user' noun is periodically presented by some people within the UX/design community alongside the tired, old trope about drugs and users. Whiel discussion is healthy, I feel neither the 'human' or the 'user' words are accurately perscriptive, nor proactive or productive within the design community.

Whats my 'design process'

As businesses operating through the 2010's began to appreciate the ROI of design, it invariably brought with it the commoditisation of design (and its processes) - as can be evidenced today with the Double Diamond process being adopted, sold and applied by all. While theres no avoiding this shift, and at the risk of further over-simplification, I see today that there are two ways that 'design' should be approached. Once identified, this informs and ensures the correct 'process' is applied

You either...
A). start with something
B). start with nothing

I've been full-time studying & applying 'design' since 1993. During this time I have seen a lot of changes, yet one thing remains constant - human behaviour requires study.

Irresepective of how the industry frames/sells design, as a practicing designer you are either being asked to create something knowing little-to-nothing at the start (eg, no frame of reference, blank paper etc. so you need to apply creativity/invention to conjour up something) OR, you are updating/iterating an existing platform, product or service (eg, innovating).

Heres how I describe these often used terms;

1. Innovation = Adding new value, where it wasn't previously

2. Creativity = Ability to articulate imagination, an idea or a vision, in an original or new way

3. Invention = Ability to create something that's never been seen, articulated or realised before

By this definition, most designers practicing today are innovators (having interviewed +200 designers in the past 12 years, I am looking at the type of designer who predominantly prefixes the 'Product' or 'UX/UI' to a Designer job title). This flavour of designer is typically starting their 'design work' within pre-existing, well-established parameters, occasionally pre-identified problem/issue, inputs and/or limitations, eg. Design Systems, data, analytics or research insights, Best Practices, Guidelines etc. (so option 1.).

A select few designers are applying true creative thinking or rather, imagination. While they are usually starting design with pre-existing patterns, framework or limitations as inputs - eg; "it has to be a website or a TV spot". - they are appying their own creative/intuitive/experimental spin on things (some of option 1. with varying degrees of option 2. applied).

Very few humans, let alone designers, successfully invent something. Even inventors need inputs - typically gleaned through some level of domain experience but always via plenty of experimentation; eg. 'failure > study > adjust > retest' type loops (option 3.)

  • Audit, study & measure the existing proposition(s); create a control benchmark
  • Expose the strengths & weaknesses
  • Hypothesise solutions that reduce weaknesses & bolster strengths
  • Test & evaluate the hypothesis. Iterate & improve accordingly
  • Move risk-mitigated solutions into production
  • Monitor & measure the crap out of it; weigh up against the control benchmark
  • Extract all requirements from the 'ask'
  • Study the market - end-users, prospective customers, competitors etc.
  • Map the experience; pains & gains
  • Create hypothetical solutions that resolve pains & amplify gains
  • Evaluate the hypothesis with end-users. Iterate accordingly.
  • Build & launch the highest value, lowest effort offering


  • May 2018 - Today
    Director of Strategy
    (formerly Head of UCD)
    RAKBANK, Dubai, UAE
  • September 2017 - April 2018
    Chief Design Officer (formely Head of UX)
    RBBI Agency, Dubai, UAE
  • March 2016 - September 2017
    Global Director of UX
    Havas, London
  • August 2015 - March 2016
    Regional Director of UX
    Isobar, Hong Kong
  • September 2014 - August 2015
    Principal UX
    Heath Wallace, Hong Kong
  • October 2010 - September 2014
    Head of UX
    Nice Agency / Karmarama, London
  • July 2008 - October 2010
    Senior Usability Engineer
    Serena, St. Albans, UK
  • July 2005 - July 2008
    Lead Designer
    Iceberg Agency, Northampton, UK
  • February 2003 - July 2005
    Senior Designer
    Ericsson, Coventry, UK

Get in Touch

Please fill out the form to contact me or, call between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. (Gulf Standard Time), Monday to Thursday

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